IEEE SmartGridComms ConferenceIEEE
The general call for papers can be found here.

IEEE SmartGridComm Symposium on
Getting practical: Field trials, Deployments, and Lessons Learnt

Symposium Co-chairs

Prof. Ronnie Belmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (chair)
Dr. Michele de Nigris, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE S.p.A., Italy
prof. Devang V. Khakhar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Rolf Adam, Cisco Systems, Germany

Scope and Motivation

The scope is to get an overview of the different approaches seen internationally to implement the various approaches to smart grids, .

This is done within the triangle that smartgrids have to serve being:
- reliable supply of electrical energy to all users
- serving the market, not only for suppliers/generators, but also for all other market players, especially large and residential users
- enabling high efficiency, new and variable energy resources and controllable types of demand, including explicit or embedded storage

Topics of Particular interest

 The symposium aims to document in a scientific way the practical implementation of steps towards smart grids on the distribution level:
  • Active grid management (tap changing transformers, power electronics)
  • Smart metering for grid management (using advanced metering, new products and services by suppliers, virtual power plants and flexibility of demand)
  • Integration of new types of grid users (small generation, dedicated storage devices, demand side participation)
  • Microgrids
  • New business models
Thus, this symposium is looking for contributions on (but not limited to) the following topics:
  • Design and implementation of smart grid communications (architectures, technologies, operations, network & network element management, role of communication service providers,)
    • Network architectures used: data flow models, single or multi-PHY,
    • Forecasting traffic of future applications
  • Report on field trials and experiences gained from Smart Grid deployments
    • Installation, set-up and cut-over experiences
    • Performance measurements (delay, bandwidth, stability)
    • Network reliability, disturbance measurements
    • Characterization of traffic on the smart grid
    • Expected versus field experience
  • User experience (customers, utilities)
    • Installation models and user expectations
    • Can we expect a change of behavior in electricity use?
    • User experience in the interoperability of these systems in producing a Smart Grid infrastructures
  • Migration Path to a Smart Grid
    • Technical Path
    • Commercial Path
    • Socioeconomic Objectives and Trade-offs
    • Planned versus Evolutionary Design

Submission Guidelines

Submission deadlines and format requirements are the same for all symposia, see here
Paper submission needs to be performed through EDAS:

Technical Program Committee (TPC) members

Rolf Adam, Cisco Systems, Germany
Ronnie Belmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Geert Deconinck, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Michele de Nigris, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE S.p.A., Italy
Devang V. Khakhar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Peter Tant, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


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